Friday, May 1, 2015

[To Do] Differentiating Feature Creep vs Core

Despite my previous post mentioning my approaching to "completion". I still have a hard time distinguishing between when adding another feature/function is necessary or if it falls under some form of bloat. My guess would be pruning out various things after they are implemented if they do not add anything to the game in terms of function or fun.

It's been a while since my last To Do post, and thought it was necessary to make my list to remind myself where I really stand in terms of progress with Sokoban Crawler:

  • Work on Title Screen and Menus
  • Inventory redesign and implementation
  • Add a delay before pushing the boulder, and maintain a delay per cell.
    • Adding equipment
    • Player Stats
    • Perks?
  • Optimizing hazard tiles + adding more trap varieties
  • Further development on stamina mechanics
    • Adding monsters
    • Development of combat mechanics?

This is all that came out of the top of my head. Whether they are actually necessary or not, time will tell.

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