Saturday, April 11, 2015

[Progress] HUD development - part 1

Small progress update with the HUD. Finally realized why the WIP HUD was not properly displaying my item counter. A person on the Game Maker forums I frequent pointed out (even though I mentioned I had been aware of it) that my display was only showing "PICKS" and not "Picks: " as my code had stated. I pointed out that it would always be shown as "PICKS" because the font did not have lowercase, which only made me realize that the font may also not support symbols. Sure enough, there were no symbols. Switching the font to one that supported symbols fixed the issue!

I'm still in the process of trying to figure out how to proceed to the next stage of the HUD, replacing the counter with drawing the sprite instead. My initial attempt ended in a compile error which I will need to figure out what I'm doing wrong from there..


That'll be for tomorrow. I'll implement all of the items and their counters via text formatting, and tomorrow I'll start manipulating the view so a portion of the top of the screen is dedicated to the HUD and does not intrude on the game screen. Hopefully eventually shift from text to graphics, makes it easier to glance at.

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