Hello! I'm alive! I know there hasn't been much visible chatter on my blog for over a week! But I have just about finished reprogramming my entire framework from the ground up. Significantly less wasted space on redundancy, much more organized and no longer looks cobbled together!
As for now, I am indefinitely suspending work with the HUD. I will deal with that when it becomes an apparent issue that impedes progress on the actual game itself. For now, I have decided to implement Health and Stamina in the form of individual static bars, rather than a dynamically changing uniform bar. As you can see in the above GIF, I have the hero walking over some potions. The first set of potions do not immediately recover their respective bars because I have added an argument with the collision event to check if the shift key is held. This will prevent accidental wasted uses of potion. However, if the bars are all full, the potions will still go into the inventory as well. I felt that giving the players more control over their precious [limited] consumable resources would be for the better. Currently I am in the process of creating a transition system for my dungeon so I can allow dungeons to occupy one room, in separate views. While this doesn't mean much for the player, but for the designer, it gives me a lot more flexibility and ease of wasting space with the room editor.
For a while now, as I have been working on the redesign of Sokoban Crawler's framework, I have been thinking about the direction to take the project from here. Personally I've hit a block with my creativity so I have been adding a myriad of eumerators and global variables has been the first step, all of which currently don't have any integration into the game [yet]. Once I've finished with my transition system and a few other core groundwork, I will look into creating a combat mechanic, either making some kind of turn-based world, or real-time. The latter being much easier than the former. Worst comes worst, the turn-based/real-time combat could feel out of place and I just scrap it altogether.
Among things that have been tentatively removed (in the form of commenting out) from the game are Diamonds, Lockpicks (Keys work for doors and chests at the moment), and the Apples. I did not want to clutter the HUD with too many different things that did almost the same thing or had no easily distinguished use for them: Lockpicks looking a little too much like hammers, diamonds having seemingly no apparent use other than adding to a counter and inventory.
That's all I can unload for you right now! Oh yeah, I am starting to understand the basics of using surfaces. The HUD has been designed using a mixture of a surface for the background and a Draw GUI event for the items that populate the actual HUD window. It's not much, but it's a lot better than before.
Hopefully tomorrow night or even tonight I'll be able to show off the fruits of my labor with the transition system.
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